Preah Sihanoukville​ - 30 January 2022

Sunday morning, January 30, 2022, Mr. Mol Sothea, on behalf of Oknha Tang Kuong, General Director of Chay Vang Group, came to the show of courtesy and wished Happy Chinese New Year to His Excellency Kuoch Chamrein, Governor of Preah Sihanoukville.
Through Mr. Mol Sothea, His Excellency Tang Kuong sent a visit to His Excellency the Governor and His Excellency and all the government officials in Sihanoukville and wish this new year to be healthy, wealthy and lead Sihanoukville to develop more and
Thrive to grow even more.
Including His Excellency Tang Kung is pleased to cooperate with the provincial administration to prevent the spread of the virus COVID -19 in Sihanoukville with Sakkin Water.